Took my first round clomid this month af due in 5 days ttc#3

(Rebecca) • Im 33wife married 14 years and have 3 boys 14,9,3
Lastnight at work I was praying and begging and pleading to be pregnant this month! Been ttc #3 for 3 years my first 2 weren't nearly this hard at all..I got bad baby fever and everyone around me is getting pregnant or pregant and when im out and about I see all these babys or pregnant women im happy for them but very flustrated i can only imagine how those of u that have no chilren yet feel i just really want a lil girl so bad ill be happy either way but really hoping for a girl i had pressure feeling yesterday but thos morning i got backache and mild cramping so it seems once agian no baby ugh😔😭😭😢😢😢