Baby shower advice needed!

Ellie • Abbigail Mae • 01.14.17 • Finnegan Jakob : 01.28.18 : /09.27.19 Tessa Elise /🥰🌼
My MIL threw us a baby shower yesterday and it was nice. My mom wants to throw us a shower for my side of the family and I'm more than grateful for that, but she has a best friend whom my husband and I both do not like. My mom included her in everything, but because of the drama we went through with the best friend I thought maybe my mom would only invite actual family. I don't think my husband will even bother with my moms baby shower if the best friend is there, because even though he tries his hardest to not say anything to her the best friend ALWAYS has something to say. She absolutely pokes and prods my husband TO say something, and then he looks like the asshole for it. And then of course my mom HAS to side with her, and I never do. So not only does my husband look bad, so do I. This best friend also thinks I can just drop everything to drive the hour and forty five minutes away to spend a few nights with my mother because she's lonely, even though I work! My mother can ever drop what she's doing to hang out on my day off. All in all, I don't know what to do. Any advice, ladies?