Inconsolable? (Experienced Mommies Please Help)

Gabs • Mother to Maisie • October 4th, 2016 👶🏼🌸 Mother to Arthur • May 31st, 2018 👶🏼💙 Mother to August • November 9th, 2020 👶🏼💙
My 6 week old has just had a major change in the past 4 days. She never cried or screamed. She would always whine a little when she was hungry and squirm when she needed to be changed, but since last week she has been waking up and crying nonstop. She is only quiet when she is eating. I am crying with her now because I don't know what to do. She wakes up and I feed her 4oz expressed breastmilk and she usually trails off and starts to fall asleep after 3.5/3.75oz so I take the bottle out of her mouth and burp her. We always get good burps. I have tried gas drops, skin to skin, diaper changes, going up a diaper size, gripe water, music, dancing, her rock and play that vibrates, just laying her down, her pacifier which she won't take anymore, i've taken her temperature and no fever, always has wet diapers & poopy diapers so she isn't dehydrated. What the hell am I missing here? I hold her and kiss her while she cries too in case she just needs TLC. I'm so confused. I also give her the breast and she cries so hard that she won't even latch. She goes from calm to inconsolable in seconds. Is this how my baby is gonna be from now on??