so irritated/grossed out by husband and his disgusting man parts rn!!!! - updated

Posted anon bc people we know lurk on here....idk if it's the pregnancy hormones or what but I am so effing irritated every time I see my husband on the couch with his hand down his pants....I mean wtf is this normal behavior???? Everything he does irritates me lately I swear but this one takes the cake. The f*ck do they do that for? Are they hanging on to it to make sure it doesn't run away or something? UGH 😑 and we are having a girl too he'd better not expect to carry my daughter with his bare hands after doing that sh*t. And every time he pops a boner I just want to smack it back down flat!!!!! Hes 35 not 13 he should be able to control that sh*t by now!!!!!!
Penises are the grossest I'm glad I don't have one. I just wish he'd fucking save his crotch cupping time for when I'm not in the freaking room.....or house
Men are so f*cking disgusting. 
Edited to add that I'm much calmer now lol hormones are a bitch!!! Even his breathing annoys me lately istg But btw my husband has no idea I feel this way (well maybe when I ask him semi Sarcastically if he thinks it's going to run away....can't help it) I wouldn't hurt his feelings like that. He's a good man and husband and he's going to be a great daddy. Venting irrationally sometimes is what this forum is for!!! 
That being said.....I take NOTHING I said back, I do not care, that is 1) still ANNOYING to watch and 2) no child of mine esp a daughter will be carried with dicky fingers!! I maintain that I can call his penis gross if I want to....he thinks periods are gross and doesn't even want to HEAR about vaginal birth so I guess we are even #sorrynotsorry