She woke me up from being so active that I couldn't go back to sleep

She woke me up from being so active that I couldn't go back to sleep . My significant other came to lay with us before work which was really random (since he doesn't usually cuddle with my belly) yet a sweet surprise . I thought I was having Braxton Hicks at 4:20 in the morning because of the low intensity, how sporadic they were and short period they lasted . They got much more consistent by 10 AM but I had heard of so many women getting sent back home that I was afraid of going too early so I just kept calmly breathing through each of the surges as they came . Then I threw up the only orange I'd ate that morning so I could tell that even though I'm more of a mind-over-matter person , my body was in shock ! My mom who just happened to be off that Friday decided to have me miss my doctors appointment for 1:30pm . I followed the apps advice about packing her bag , but had procrastinated in gathering my own belongings and hadn't adjusted my 3-in-1 car seat to the newborn position nor secured it in the car yet . My mom fixed the car seat for me while I gathered chapstick , a change of clothes , important documents , hygienes and a few other items . I was supposed to have aroma therapy to boost endorphins but didn't miss them . I wasn't too delighted to sit in the car for 20 minute ride to the hospital. She ran two lights with her hazards on and the police came out of no where and pulled us over lol . Luckily he wasn't an a-hole and let us go in a very timely manner since he could clearly tell I was expecting . I walked upstairs to get checked in at 1:45pm at the hospital and they hooked me up to monitors so I had to lie down which was upsetting because keeping moving really helped me get through labor . They said I was 4 cm and 80% effaced and decided to keep me ! I couldn't believe it since I wasn't in pain , just uncomfortable until they surpassed . I used a bean-shaped medicine ball to rock on but my legs needed to be stretched out . After my water broke , I couldn't dance though them standing anymore . Transistion and me duked it out on all fours , leaning over the back of the bed while swaying my hips and eventually I just laid to one side and squoze my mother's hand . The next time I got checked around 5:30p in the labor room , they said I was 9 cm and 100% dilated ! The doctor said let me know when you're ready to push and she came out at 6:38pm . I kept feeling the urge to but I didn't want to try too soon or cause any complications. Everyone was coaching me through saying how controlled my breathing was . I don't know what made me or baby queen decide it was time but I gave up on waiting for my significant other who was having car trouble . I gave it a go once and got a phone call to the room that a man claiming to be the father was trying to come in . I was angry at him for not being there to support me so I told them not to let him in since he took so long , but next thing I knew he was strolling in anyway all cheesy yet guilty-faced . He put on hang-drum music even though my mom already was playing soothing music and the clashing irritated me . I flipped him off then blew him a kiss at the foot of the bed . After 2 more pushes she crowned with a burning sensation and the midwife coached him on how to catch her ! Everyone kept expressing how well I did for a first time mom doing an unmedicated vaginal delivery . We did delayed clamping where we waited for the placenta to cease pulsating and immediate chest-to-chest . She weighed in at 6 lbs and 3 ounces and was 19 inches long . She was due exactly a week later but was on time 11/11/16 . There was a rush of emotion and I was overjoyed and filled with incomparable love ! We named our princess ILO ANTONYAH EL. I originally planned a water birth but was very disappointed to learn it was restricted for me due to my rheumatoid arthritis. I also wanted her to try the newborn crawl but she is still breastfeeding very well ! I know I am blessed and highly favored because everything was smooth sailing , no complications , and she is perfect !