He's a workaholic...

I been with my man for a year.
He works ALL the time.
And I mean from sun up, to sun down.
This last time, he worked 14 days straight.
He has a regular job and then his own business on the side. 
He is able to choose to work or not but always chooses to work.
I don't know how he does it.
I'm so thankful that he is so driven. If he ever chose to marry me, I'm sure My daughter and I would eventually benefit from it.
But still, it's not about the money for me.
I told him how I felt sad about his work schedule.
He said he likes money to much and he refuses to be normal.
That it's never going to change and that right now his focus isn't settling down, it's his career.
Which broke my heart. 
I try not to let it bother me but I feel like I might as well be single.
I eat dinner and get ready for bed alone. I wake up and he's gone. 
Every time there's a get together, friends or family, he's working.
So much that it's embarrassing.
Dates? Very far and few between.
I feel ashamed that I want a man that comes home in the evening, when I know I'm lucky to have a man that works.
I want a man that spends at least one weekend day with his family.
He has plenty of money but it's never enough.
I'm so lost and saddened. I love and care for him but what does that matter if I'll never get time with him?
I'm not a needy woman. I just like to watch the football game with my man or eat dinner together sometimes.
I'm scared I'll never be happy.
What do do I do? Should I suck it up and accept it? 
Is this just one of those "fight through it together" situations or is he not right for me?