Higher libido than his?

I can't say for certain, but I often feel like my libido is higher than my husband's. I could have sex 5+ times a week and still want more, but most of the time I'm lucky to get once a week unless I tell him it's fertile week (we're both on the TTC train!). There are even times when two or three weeks go between. I'm fine to and enjoy going after him sometimes and making the move, but I also want to be pursued and have him be the instigator. 
Any tips on how to encourage that side of him? He works in construction and comes home nasty dirty - head to toe! - and exhausted, so I want to be gracious, but I also don't want to be left to always be the one asking for sex. That sucks when it's a one way street. If we were to both be asking that'd be a whole different ballpark.