clogged tear duct

Meredith • Mother to my rainbow baby girl 10/21/16 and 1 on the way due 1/4/19 🌈🌈
My daughter is 3 weeks old and has been having clogged tear duct issues since she was about 5 days old (left eye). About a week ago I got prescription drops from the pediatrician and did them several times a day for 5 days per the instructions. Still having issues though, there is usually a small lump visible under the skin and I can express nearly a teaspoon of fluid from her eye daily. Seems to come out a lot easier at bathtime... the fluid is mostly white/translucent with a little bit of yellow tinge. Doesn't seem to bother her other than getting annoyed I have my finger basically in her eye! Anyone deal with this? Should we go back to the doc? Or just keep massaging/expressing it?