my birth story-induction

#oneblessedmomma • Due 9/13/21! Married 8 years to the love of my life! Mommy to the most precious 4 year old ♥️
My birth story!
I had a check up on 11/9 and I was 40+2. I had mentioned to the doctor about a noticeable difference in fetal movement (she's very active usually and slowed down some). They put me on a stress test and noticed that her heart rate would drop some after a contraction which I didn't even know I was having. They sent me to the hospital just to be monitored. I arrive and immediately they say they have orders to induce me since I'm already over, might as well!  I was pretty excited because it was ready and already on leave! They checked me and I was 3 cm dialated and 90% effaced. The gave me a pill in my cervix to induce labor and said it probably wouldnt do much until my 2nd dose. Well..That was not the case! An hour later contractions started, and two hours later I was already 7cm dialted and an hour after that 9cm! Happened so quick and was very painful dialating that quickly! I began to push and pushed for 45 min-an hour and they could see her head but she wouldn't come out and her heart rate was dropping. They decided to give me an epidural to expand my cervix and relax it to get her out with forceps. I was sad because i labored all that time without an epidural and the last 5 minutes they had to give me one for medical purposes to get her out. But that doesn't even matter now! Im just so happy I have a healthy baby girl! We are so in love and id do it a million times again!