moving? boyfriend? pregnant?

Savanna Rose • Mommy to Mila Rose Kallios👶🏻🥀❤️
I seriously need your guys advice. So I'm 18 I'm working everyday very hard I've been saving up since I was 5. I have a lot of family issues and me and my family aren't in such a good situation living wise. My mom is moving with her sister and they want me to go but I don't think I want to. My family has always had problems and I honestly need space to myself to start a family of my own. I know I'm young and I have my whole life ahead of me but I have no desire other than to move out of la and get my own place with my boyfriend (who's 17 almost 18 btw) and have a baby, just to have someone depend on me and love me and give them the life they deserve. I'm just so confused on what to do. I missed my period for 7 days now I don't believe I'm pregnant I just think I'm extremely stressed out. I feel like I have no one who understands the way I feel. I used to have goals and dreams but now there all gone. I just feel he's not responsible to move out with me. I know I'm going somewhere but I love him and don't want to breakup just cause I want  to leave:/