Married for the wrong reasons

Brutal honesty:  I believe I married out of the fear of being alone instead of truly loving my husband. I was tired of having flings with guys who just wanted sex. I finally found someone who wanted to build a life with me. He is a nice guy, has a lot to offer but I feel like something is missing in our relationship. I feel like I have always had the upper hand in our relationship meaning I believe he has stronger feelings for me than I have for him. I feel like I have settled in a way because it was confortable and we were both busy with work to want to start dating again. We are in our thirties now. I am no longer sexually attracted to him I think that has to do with his controlling behavior of always having sexin the bedroom, at night, always has to plan things...can't be spontaneous. He has a low sex drive compared to most men I believe. I don't feel desired by him although he says he is attracted to me. He will say things if I worked out more or cleaned or cooked more than he would be in the mood to have sex more often. He has never shown the need for sex. I don't really like doing stuff with him because he likes to micromanage everything I do and I hate that. He always says I love you and I can hardly say it back to him. It feels fake to say it. I have expressed all of these issues to him. He just keeps saying we need to work on these issues and leaves it up to me if I want to divorce. He just says what do you want to do about it?