help! I'm freaking out!

Hey ladies I'm freaking out. I'm so exhausted I've barely slept the past couple of nights; Annaliese woke up for her bottle at 4:20 and I grabbed her bottle from earlier in the night off the dresser and rinsed it out and made her a new bottle of formula. It wasn't until I just got up to take the bottle out of her crib that I realized I never took her bottle from earlier last night out of it and the bottle I rinsed out was her bottle from THE NIGHT BEFORE. Oh my god. Do you think she will be ok?? I've never ever done something so careless before, I literally rinsed it out and made the bottle practically with my eyes closed. Now I've been on google trying to find out any information I can. I'm so scared she's going to contract a bacteria or something oh my god I feel so stupid.