Mild cramps and spotting

So can anyone help me understand what's happening to my body.....ok...I've had this app for over a year my husband and I have been trying to conceive since we got married 2 yrs ago....he has a 16yr from a previous and I have a 12yrs old never been pregnant again no miscarriage no abortions it just never happened I went to the dr and had the painful test with the dye thru my tubes and I had blockage but it was still a chance I could get pregnant....I have normal cycles every month and I ovalate normally every month at the exact same time Glo says so...lately we have been taking Geritol both my husband and I and using preseed lub... for about 2 or 3 days I have been having light cramps in the bottom of my stomach with a very light pinkish discharge...very light though as if I'm coming on my cycle again but I'm not suppose to come on until the 23rd of Nov... I read up on implamentation bleeding but I don't really want to get too excited....has anyone every had this to happen...or has any of u ladies conceived after being told ur tubes had husband and I pray alot for a baby to share of our own....I don't want to be disappointed or too anxious...does anyone have any words of advice???