Yesterday I had contractions that were 10 minutes apart so I decided to go for a walk at the park

Gabrielle • Mother To A Prince 11|14 👑💙💋
Yesterday I had contractions that were 10 minutes apart so I decided to go for a walk at the park. Within 10-15 minutes of walking my water broke lol the feeling was definitely disgusting and hilarious !! So I went to hospital and soon after my contractions lessened so I was there for 2 hours before they sent me home. So around 1 am I had diarrhea 😷😖 and I started having contractions with more intense pain then the ones I experienced earlier. I decided to lay down and then I had the worse contraction ever smh then my stomach got a pit feeling  ! Unfortunately I didn't make it to the bathroom and ended up throwing up in my room 😡😷 Long story short my contractions became 5 minutes apart and 1 minute long so around 3:30 am I went to the ER and I was admitted !! Contractions were horribly intense smh so I was given demerol which helped me sleep but barely helped my pain ! Around 9:20am the next day I was wheeled down to Labor & Delivery where I spent almost 5 hourspushing  my son out 😫😫😫 What an experience that was 😰😤😪 Anyways at approximately 12:54 pm I gave birth to a 6lbs 7oz handsome baby boy and I couldn't be more happy ! I'm deeply in love and I'm blessed to be his mother ❤️💙😍