Contractions started at like 6:30 am after having to go poop every hour last night so I didn't sleep...

Contractions started at like 6:30 am after having to go poop every hour last night so I didn't sleep at all. I was having them every two minutes, it was torture. I can describe contractions feeling like having to poop but constipated and horrible period cramps and back pains all at the same time. So I went to doctor to get checked and see what he wanted to do. I was 2 cm and 80% effaced so he told me to go to the hospital. By the time I got there it was about 11 and I was 100% effaced. The contractions were constant, I wish I had normal contractions once every hour or so then I could've done it without epidural I lasted all morning like I was confident but then it was too often for hours on end every two minutes agony naw that was bad I had to. Then my water broke at around 12, it felt like I queefed and peed everywhere, the sensation is so weird!!! So I got the epidural at 12:30-1, and just was so exhausted that I fell asleep and woke up at 5 pm and was 7 cm so a little more to go and I didn't even feel it. Epidurals are AMAZING. By 8 pm I was told to get ready to push, and it only took 14 minutes and my baby was born. My little Max Xavier born 7.3 lbs, 23 and 3/4 inches long at 39+3 wks ❤️❤️❤️ so in love