A letter to my surrogate and Twin sister


Today we get to meet our twin boys and I become a Mom. We plan on giving this letter to my twin sister who was our surrogate. I really wanted to share. Enjoy


We can’t believe we’re finally here. As we both sit here and write this to you, we are overwhelmed with emotion. This last year has been the best of our lives. We’ve enjoyed all the time we’ve shared with Liza and Lilly. They have been great practice. We have also loved creating a strong bond with you while watching our babies grow.

Let’s start from the beginning with Breanna: It seems just like yesterday I was given the diagnosis of MRKH. So many thoughts ran through my mind that day. “Does this mean I’m a boy”, “Will I ever be loved”, “Will I ever be accepted”, and “Will I ever have a period.” However, the scariest of all… “Will I ever be a mother?” I left that appointment with many unsolved answers to my questions. I was alone and scared. I remember driving to Lorie’s house to see you both and tell you the news. In this dark time, I was thankful for Lorie’s medical background and you as my twin sister. I really needed you. I remember that once I told you both, your immediate response was: “I want to carry your children.” That was very comforting to hear, but inside I knew you were serious, which brought me great peace. For that, I want to say “Thank You”, not just for everything you’ve done this last year, but for the last 16 years. You see, you will never understand the emotions that come with this diagnosis. By saying what you did, I was able to process and grieve all of the adolescent emotions, rather than worry about the complications I would encounter later in life to try and be a mother. That in itself is a great gift. Now, looking back at all of the amazing memories and how much we’ve grown, so many things have changed. However, your decision to carry our children has always remained the same.

There’s so much we’ve been dreaming to look forward to. The first time they say “mama” and “dada” and it’s us they’re talking to. Watching them form an irreplaceable bond with Mya much like we have with her. Most of all, we’re really looking forward to little footsteps running through our home, forever leaving daily imprints in our hearts. These dreams and many more would’ve stayed dreams if it was not for you. Our lives without you would’ve been with emptiness in our hearts that could not be filled by anything but the opportunity of becoming parents. We can’t imagine anyone else taking this role but you. It’s been a blessing to watch you carry our boys full-term with zero complications. And to think that it all began with that positive pregnancy test. Once we saw that, it was a feeling like our dreams were coming true. We had joked about ending up with twins, never did we think it would actually happen. We’ve never been so happy to be wrong. Hearing their heartbeats and seeing them during the ultrasounds were such magical moments. We are even more blessed to have shared all these moments with you. You have given life to our boys and nourished them to amazing health. For that we believe you will forever be blessed. There is no doubt that God will someday have a special place high in heaven for you. Your love, compassion, and selflessness is completely unmatched, Betsy! Mom would be so proud!

Forever in our hearts! We love you!

Cody, Breanna, Brady, and Brooks