Am I paranoid...

Please tell me I'm not the only one...
I constantly worry I'm going to miscarry, literally every pain or twinge & every time I go to pee I'm expecting to see blood. I'm literally giving myself anxiety.
Is anyone else like this or am I just so overwhelmed I finally fell pregnant that I'm super protective? 
It's driving me mad!! 
I'm around 5 weeks & 3 days (but had no scan etc, my booking app is not until the 5th, I feel like I'm going to explode waiting!! πŸ˜‚
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Posted at
I'm the same way . It makes me feel crazy . I'm trying so hard to stay positive but I see so many miscarriage stories it petrifies me . It's almost like I'm expecting for it to just happen . It's making my anxiety awful .....  I'm only 4weeks


Posted at
Me too! But, I found this article that I took a screen shot of so that when I start to feel anxious about it, I look at it. Here are the facts it tells me that makes me feel better: Miscarriages happen in 10-25% of pregnancies Of those miscarriages, 50-75% of them happen within the first couple weeks of conception - before most women even know they're pregnantAfter the first couple weeks there's a 5% chance of miscarriage. If you've had a miscarriage before, it drops to  a 3% chance. Hope this helps ease your mind. It does me. Also, stay off the community posts about MC. I made that my new rule last week and it's helped tremendously. 


Megan β€’ Nov 21, 2016
So I keep reading these facts to calm me. Glad it helps you too. :)


Megan β€’ Nov 21, 2016
Glad it's helpful. I had a missed miscarriage before so I'm so nervous for my first ultrasound. It's not until Dec. 1st,


Ashley β€’ Nov 21, 2016
this is helpful! had a miscarriage on my first pregnancy and now im terrified it will happen again. Thanks for sharing these


Posted at
No, I'm crazy too.  


Posted at
I felt the same until about 20-25wk, then the still born thoughts set in. The only thing you can do is stay calm & pray. Wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy!


Posted at
I feel exactly the same way! I've been peeing on a stick daily just to reassure myself. 😞


Brittany β€’ Nov 18, 2016


Posted at
This is my third pregnancy after two miscarriages. I'm 7 wks 4 days and feel exactly the same. I already suffer with anxiety and depression, and can't take my medication now I'm pregnant as it's not safe, so I'm going insane. I have a scan tomorrow to hopefully see heart beat so I'm praying that will put my mind at rest, because I'm making myself ill with stress and worry!! I can't take it any longer


Becky β€’ Nov 21, 2016
It wasn't such a shock to my system. My doctor said there are some that are considered 'safer' in pregnancy but none that carry 0% risk. So I'm personally not risking it. Currently 8 weeks and baby is doing great ❀️


Becky β€’ Nov 21, 2016
I gradually weaned off it over the course of 4 weeks so


Molly β€’ Nov 21, 2016
I was on Zoloft but stopped taking it when I found out I was pregnant, even though I was told it was safe. Way too scared of it being bad for bubs 😩


Posted at
I've been the same way also. 8 weeks today & my symptoms have eased up today- worries me!


Posted at
I've been that way for a while now. I'm 16 weeks, haven't felt the baby move and have had once incident where I had vaginal bleeding but thankfully all was okay. Just pray and leave it in God's hands! He will take care of you!!


Posted at
The fear will get better possibly the further along you are πŸ’ž knowing that you're baby is just fine is always a nice feeling and as you get bigger and can actually feel baby, I personally think it helps with the fear. You're very early and I am sure a lot of people have brought to your attention the possibility of misscarrying which doesn't help your mind and fearing it. Having a healthy baby is much more commonnπŸ˜€ try to enjoy this time the best you can and the fear will subside a little each week. You have all of us little preggos to keep you company along the way !!! Good luck and god bless in your pregnancy πŸ˜˜πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ€—


Posted at
Yes me! I'm so the same. So concerned about this. I have my main 12 week scan this week and I'm worried they're gonna tell me there's no heartbeat πŸ™„ ugh.