Sleep advice. Help! :)

I think I've read just about everything on sleep training. I'm trying and 2 days in. Here are my obstacles:
*crib is in our room. So the screaming is hard to take. And I feel like because he knows we're in the same room it makes him angrier
*every night without fail his diaper leaks which adds a challenge because changing him wakes him up further
*about a month ago I started the bad habit of feeding him when he wakes. Cutting it out now is making this really hard
*his bedtime routine is hit and miss because I'm there 4 nights a week but when I'm not home (I work some nights) his bedtime routine is over looked. I try to explain to my BF how important it is but he's stubborn and thinks "he'll be fine" ugh
Any advice is helpful and appreciated. He wakes every 2 hours at night. His naps during the day are consistent