kinks 😉

Ashley • 🐧🐘🐧
Can we please talk about kinks? I don't just mean full on BDSM either. Choking, hair pulling, biting, scratching, tickling, foot rubs, role play, PDA, couples porn watching, anything. Just share, or don't, or how about advice for the more timid? 
I bring this up because a lot of people- not just women, not just men, people- have issues with timing, climax, self lubricant, confidence, and a lot of other self perpetuating ideas about sex. Yes, sex has an ultimate purpose of procreation but what good is it if it's no fun? 
I, personally, being a very strong willed and in control person for the majority of the day really enjoy being submissive. Just letting my SO take over and push as many buttons as he wants.