positive ovulation twice already this month? confused

Laura • 1 MC at 6wks & 1 baby angel taken too soon 22wks, Oakley had the birth defect of spina bifida. Theodore due 11/10/2017
Since the loss of our little angel this years my partner and I have started trying again and this time I am checking my ovulation every morning, every day. I am doing this as my last two ovulation days glow has predicted I have not ovulated on any. 
So far this month I tested 2 days before m period ended (I got a positive) I then check this morning (I got positive) so, I am very confused. Surely this isn't right. The test I take is a thin strip, not as expensive as the rest as I find clear blue and other tests very expensive. 
Can anyone explain this to me? 
According to glow I shouldn't be ovulating until 22nd of this month