How amazing our bodies are

How amazing our bodies are! I had a great birth that went a little astray from the original plan but worked out perfect! I went in for my 40 week appointment (was 40+2) and my white coat syndrome got the best of me. Everything was great except my blood pressure. They swept my membranes, I was 2cm and 80% and my midwife sent me across the street to the hospital to get blood work done to rule out preeclampsia. I have done this the last three weeks and never had it. Sat in triage from 1 until 3:00 waiting for blood work which was great however an ultrasound showed my fluid was low. So even though I adamantly didn't want to be induced I went ahead and agreed to stay as long as we could be as least medically invasive as possible. Got a delivery room about 3:30 and by 4:30 they were putting in a foley bulb. That took me to 5cm dilated and my contractions were pretty mild but very regular. Foley bulb came out sometime around 7:30 ish and I was waiting on my doula to show up and they were shift changing at the hospital so I waited for a few hours to see if my contractions would increase on their own. They didn't so I started pitocin at 11 pm. I immediately got stronger contractions but were still pretty bearable but getting intense quickly. I was constantly up going to the bathroom (1 and 2). Next thing I knew I was feeling crazy pressure and thought I had to poo again. I told the nurse who said, honey your not close enough yet. My doula insisted she get the midwife to check me and thank goodness she did. I was completely dilated and they could see her head. It went from calm to crazy in about two seconds. They told me not to push while they got everything set up but my body was pushing by itself and I wasn't able to stop it. Pushed on my side for about 15 mins and my little girl was on my chest screaming her head off. She was born at 1:43 am. She immediately started breastfeeding while they tried to stop my  mall tear from bleeding. They couldnt stop it so I got two stitches. I anticipated birth to be crazy and excruciating and I was pleasantly surprised. I know every labor is different and mine was fairly quick, labor for 14 hours total only active labor for three) but I feel like I couldnt have been more blessed with the whole experience. I would do it again and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Trust your bodies mamas, they are amazing and know what to do. Thank you for reading if you stuck it out and good luck 😘. 
Charlotte Anne born Nov 15,2016 7lbs 21 inches and perfectly healthy and beautiful. 
All natural no pain meds at all.