what do you guys think???

So I'm 7 months PP and I've been having periods since 6 weeks PP 
They have all been pretty regular for the most part. Sometimes they will be a two days early or late but for the most party pretty regular I think. 
Well... I'm 6 days late right now... 
I took a test though when I was 4 days late and it came up negative. 
I do want another baby but not right now. I just had my first back in April and he's my whole world. And he's crawling now and into everything, it would be hard to have another one right now lol 
But anyways the test did result to negative at 4 days late. Do you think that's accurate? The only reason I'm concerned is because I don't really feel like I'm about to start anytime soon, and I am also breaking out a lot all over my face and that's not normal for me. I've always been blessed with clear skin. The only time I broke out like this is when I was pregnant with my son 😳. And my husband says I've been moodier than usual. Which I would agree BUT I've also been under a lot of stress and dealing with depression and anxiety lately. 
So i dont know... what do you all think???