Getting Sick When Pregnant

These past couple days I've had been having a terrible case of sneezing. Normally sneezing a lot is normal for me because I have really bad allergies, but along with these sneezes I kept getting that icky sick feeling in my stomach and chest. Today my nose is constantly clogged, sneezing more than ever, I still have that feeling in my chest and stomach, and now I have a dry throat with a few coughs here and there. On my paper work it says to call if I have a fever (temp over 100.4). I don't have a fever but I am starting to get a little scared mainly because this cold is pretty bad and I haven't really "felt pregnant" these past 2 or 3 days. Besides my occasional breast soreness. I'm 5 weeks and 2 days today. Should I be worried or is this something that is normal? I don't have my doctor's appointment til next Monday.