Looks like we are gonna meet little Yasmin ahead of schedule

Miqa • 👩🏾‍🦱10/9/09 👦🏾4/15/11 👧🏽11/18/16 👶🏽11/6/18

Update: so I am still in labor at this point, i fibally got epudyral last night and my blood pressure dropped really low...so after throwing up, and passing out abd 4 shots of ephedrine, they are restarting the induction. Im 4 cm, and 100% effaced. Just trying to hang in there...this has been a very different experience from my other 2 babies, who were a quick 6 HR labors...

Looks like they are starting induction on me due to eclampsia...although we are excited that baby is coming, just hope she's healthy, especially since her due date wasn't until 12/16