Mookie • No Bio Needed, I Just Wanna Have A Little Angel Of My Own And Raise My Family Right.! I Cant Wait To Hold My Childs Hand And Hear Their Heartbeat For The First Time. I Love You My Unborn Child.!! 😘😘
Really second guessing the whole pregnancy thing this run around, because I have symptoms like my period is about to start but every time I go and check my pad there is no blood! Wth is going on!!! It's really annoying the hell out of me because I am wishing that it does not start!!! Praying it doesn't I'm a day late..but we'll see!
thank you so much!!! still Isn't here I'm really hoping and praying!
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It's a pretty annoying process for sure. Symptoms are so similar that it's hard to tell. Chances are if the stuff you are noticing feels like your period is coming it is. But here's hoping you get your BFP