Ovulation - Positive or Negative?

Brittany💐 • Harrison👦🏼Janurary • 25 • 2018🤱🏼💗 Benjamin 👶🏼 November • 27 • 2019 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 #CleftStrong
Hi ladies, so I have a lot of issues with being anovulatory. I've been really sick the last week so my tempatures aren't reliable so I'm not sure what to think. 
I think I got a positive OPK last night, but when I peaked in on it today it looked like the second line got lighter. 
Is this normal for dry tests to not look positive anymore?
Does this even look positive to you? 
I did notice after I got the positive, I checked my cervix it was failry high, a bit open and soft, when I went to check for CM and wiped it off my finger I noticed a bit of spotting that was in my CM. Could I be starting AF?
These tests are from Tuesday+Wednesday

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