Very Sad⁉️

Why????I guess!!!😔😔😔😔😔I gaved birth 5 months ago I wasnt able to put any thing on to loose my belly I will try and I would get a really bad abdominal pain that I will have to take it off really fast that would make me sometimes cry!!So I just found out I have a really aggresive cyst on my left ovary do to birth they say cause of birth(pushing).. unfortunately they told me they might have to removed it causing me not able to have anymore babies I guess maybe yea with one ovary but that would have lots of consequences maybe;(. I feel really bad that my partner has been telling me that he would want to try to have another baby to get a girl since we have a boy and not be able too.. I feel like he would maybe go with someone that can give him as much kids he wants.. I already told him if I'm not able to have kids and he wants to leave that's fine!!im so glad and thank god he is giving a chance to be a mom rite now😪😪😪.i love my son so much👼🏼🙏.