parents and inlaws

Has anybody had the problem of parents and inlaws being way to dang clingy after you had the baby? Its like they think they need to input at every waking moment. They need to baby talk every sec of the day around the newborn or they have to compare the new baby to how much they look like the dad or how much they look like the mom or they cant stop talking about how you or the dad was when you were born. Now dont get me wrong i love how much they love my new baby but thats the thing its my baby. They almost act like its theirs. They actually call her their baby. Its getting so bad that one of the moms is inviting herself to making my thanksgiving dinner for me and my husband (nice jesture) but thisnis my forst thanksgiving as a fanily with a baby and i think we should be left alone to enjoy the holidays with out baby, we will gladly go to her house and visit. Just think there should be a little boundaries.