Am I terrible?

A couple weeks ago I found out I had a "chemical pregnancy". Or in other words I had a miscarriage. It was so scary finding it in my blood. I keep having nightmares about it and I'm so sad. I didn't want a baby, but after that I kinda do. I didn't tell my boyfriend until last night because we had been babysitting our nephew (his) and seeing him with a baby made me really mad and really sad. So he kept asking me why I was weird and why I seemed mad and I finally told him. So many people I know are having baby's and it make me mad and jealous. I know a 19-18 married couple who are the most unhappy couple that are having their second kid. And she is where I would have been almost. I know another couple who are terrible people and do some awful shit who shouldn't be parents and they are having a baby. Why did mine have to die? Am I terrible for feeling anger and so much envy over others happiness?