Weed Affect Cycle?

I want to start out by saying, I'm on birth control and use it exactly at the same time every day- I haven't even been sick. We usually use a condom but twice we didn't. He pulled out each time. It's been a week since this happened. I've been smoking weed a couple weeks now, I've done it about 5 times overall I think. The last time I did was a couple nights ago. I'm supposed to have my period today, but I haven't. All of a sudden though I have lots of white, creamy discharge? I don't know what I'll do if I'm pregnant. I'm only 15 (yes I know that is age-wise too young to be having sex and smoking, but I don't regret any of it. I am safe about it). I've talked to my boyfriend about it, and his mom got pregnant at 15 and his dad left them and he said he'd try and help me all he could, even though I told him I wouldn't tell anyone he was the father and wouldn't make him pay child-support. But my mom will probably make me have an abortion or kick me out so getting pregnant is something I can't do... do you think maybe the weed is what's keeping my period from happening? Or maybe I've been too stressed. Please I just need advice.