recovering alcoholic

Hey everyone. I'm adding this anon because i don't want any hate. Please if you're going to be negative just don't even waste your thumb energy typing. 
My boyfriend (of almost 2 years) is a recovering alcoholic. He relapsed once so far in our relationship and without getting into it let's just say it was messy and I picked him up at his lowest point. I'm glad I saw him this way and that he allowed me to help him because now he knows that I'm really truly here for him through anything thick or thin. 
But the reason I'm posting here is because I just feel so alone in this. His mother and I chat quite frequently but she has a different perspective than I do. So anyways, has anyone themselves gone through this (being the SO of a recovering addict of some kind) or is a recovering addict themselves? 
Half the time I feel like half of our relationship is a lie (during the time of his relapse we were long distance and I was unaware he had) and the other times I feel like we're great and fine and that he's the man I'm going to be with forever. But I don't know if I can handle a husband who relapses or the father of my (future wayyyy down the line future) children.