Any suggestions

So I'm 17 and I had un protected sex with my boyfriend on Tuesday who came in me😔 while I was on my fertile window! (I know, don't judge please) The next day I went to the doctors and got a plan b took that. Then today which is Thursday we had sex again yes un protected sex again😴 in the moment but used the withdrawal method which was an effective birth control method before that we used. But anyways I have a doctors appointment to get the IMPLANT in my arm! I thought it was good at first but lots of ppl told me don't do it, including my mom! I previously had the depo and might get back on it. But I spotted 24/7 on the depo even after for a good month it messed with my weight and I was super moody. I even went into a depression state. So my question is what birth control should I get? I don't want the IUD. Guys please help and stay positive and please reply 💜👯