My little princess is one week old already


My little princess is one week old already! 

I have absolutely loved every second of my first week as mummy. Possibly the best week of my life. 

I pinch myself everyday that she is mine. 

Ashari was born last Sunday, the day after her due date. 40 weeks and 1 day. 

I was fortunate enough to have an incredibly great pregnancy with no morning sickness and managed to keep great energy levels and a consistent amount of exercise right up until 2 days before she arrived. 

I know all labours have their ups and downs and in my experience my obstacles were getting through 4 days of pre labour contractions which started and stopped then gradually the contractions became more consistent, stronger and longer. When I arrived at the hospital last Sat night ( my due date) I was 3cm dialated. 

I stayed this way over night with continuous contractions and this continued until the next day. 3 days in and it really became a marathon. I was sleep deprived from the last couple of nights and around lunch time on Sunday they finally broke my waters to get things moving. 2hrs later I was 5cm dialated. By this stage contractions were taking a toll. I chose to have an epidural then which was perfect and in just 2 more hrs I was a full 10 cms dialated. 

I had an easy natural birth and in only 15 mins later Ashari was born. It was completely surreal, and was so quick, I could barely comprehend what had just happened. 

I don't think there is a single word that can describe the feeling you have the moment the baby is placed on you but I am sure all mummy's would agree it would have to be the single most amazing feeling in the world.

Aside from my long pre labor build up the birth was quick, painless and couldn't have gone any smoother. 1 week on now I feel pretty much back to my normal self. I haven't started any exercise routine just yet but eating well everyday. I have a massive appetite actually to keep up with my little drinking and pooing machine. She's doing so well. I count my blessings everyday 💕🙏