time to give up on our dream 😭

It's time now that I try and get this baby making out of my mind. I have 2 children 8&6 from a previous relationship. Me and my partner have been trying for 3 months off 4 years. I've had 7 operations on my ovaries tubes and bowel due to cysts and the surgeon messing up on the key hole surgery. So we were sent to have tests and it shows I will have trouble and my partner has a very low spent count of only 3m. We have been told if we lost a little weight then we can have <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> but my partner has decided he doesn't want to put me through that as I've been through enough. I am more than willing to do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> but it's not a one sided decision. It's time to forcus on our wedding and just enjoy the children we have in our lives. I hope you all have amazing journeys and all you ttc dreams come true but for us our dreams are going to bed.