This is my favorite picture in my camera roll. Why? Because I never thought I would make it through high school. If you feel discouraged, just remember that it IS possible. Work your ASS off! Get it done💕 I struggled with drug use, partying, eating disorders, the death of my sister, the death of my great uncle, the near death and hospitalization of my other sister, a lying, cheating abusive father, multiple cheating boyfriends, and nearly being broke and homeless. I missed school, I was sick, and was late. But I NEVER gave up. It is often said that you judge a person not on how they handle the good and easy times, but how they deal with adversity; It is possible to go from an F to an A. It is possible to have a social life while doing so, don't ever get discouraged. I know high school is a bitch, the work is annoying and there are people there that annoy you, but if you apply yourself, get in, do your work and get out, you WILL succeed. 💖