
So I wanna get more into shape and just be healthier in general. Tbh I was just gonna wait until New Years and make the my resolution and just start fresh and new and get it all goin. But I really kinda wanna start now. I want to start runnin, working out and eating better. But I really don't want to go to a gym just because I don't want to pay for a membership and because I'm not completely confident in myself. It's not like I'm overweight, I just don't really have confidence in myself and I've always been that way. But next year I want it to be different. ( I'll post a picture of me so you all can get idea of what I'm "working" with.) 
I just want some at home work out plan ideas, good like diet plan ideas and even just some motivation ideas because I am seriously lacking. 😩 
I don't really want to lose weight I just want to become more toned and healthier looking I guess.