not what I thought my labor would be

My personal experience with my labor and delivery  wasn't great at all.I had my son in February and am just now getting to the point of being able to talk about it. But It all started like any other day but then I started getting contractions around 11:30 am being 1day from my due date I went to get checked I was at a 5 and got admited. Shortly after I got the epidural and  It slowed my labor so I got put on pitocin after less than an hour my epidural completely failed me. They topped the epidural off but it didn't work, I was refused iv medicine and was not offered another epidural.but they kept the pitocin going and  Every 15-20 minutes they came in  to bump my pitocin up and at one point I was begging them not to touch it. After two hours of the worse pain I could ever imagine it was push time 45 minutes of pushing he came out but shoulders were stuck so my nurse literally was jumping and shoving my stomach with all her might. They finally got him out but my roller coaster wasn't over I started to hemorrhage and the placenta would not come out, they had everyone leave the room and before I knew it I had what seemed like 20 doctors and nurse staff in my room. They started shoving cytotec in my rear and pushing pitocin as fast as it could come out the bag. For a second I thought this was it I'm gonna die my child will never know me. At some point I lost consciousness can't say for how long seemed like it was only for a second but when I came to I was in the middle of my 4th blood transfusion. The days after we're almost as bad every 12 hours I was given cytotec amongst other medicine. I still to this day have flash backs and am not sure why I did not receive an emergency c-section. I ask my self if there was anything I could have done different but I'm at a loss to what went so wrong. I was given no explications and honestly feel like my dr. Failed me some how. Also total labor time was less than 13 hours.