36 weeks 5 days!

My doctor plans to induce me at 39 weeks if the baby doesn't come naturally! That is the week of December 4th-10th! I was due December 15th, but I definitely can't complain about loosing a week! I am so excited. On Tuesday baby weighed 6lbs 2oz💝 But my ultrasound also showed that I have damaged my placenta from falling over the weekend. My hands were full so I had no chance to catch myself and landed belly first. I have fallen a few times since then but I was able to land on my hands and knees. The doctor says baby is safe, the only concern is my placenta.Today was my last day at work, so I will be at home relaxing and getting ready for the baby to arrive. It is almost baby time! I can't belive it, time has flown by!