I was NOT planning on having non medicated labor..😩😩

Tiana β€’ Mother of 4 πŸ‘§πŸ½πŸ‘§πŸ½πŸ‘§πŸ½ πŸ‘ΆπŸ½ 13, 9, 8, 7m CNA, Phlebotomist, Surgical Technician
11/16/17 39wks5d after last ultrasound today at 1:30pm baby was measuring at 8lbs5oz, was scared because this is my 4th pregnancy and my biggest daughter weight 7lbs3oz, couldn't wait to come back tomorrow for OB appt to discuss what to do next.. went home started cleaning house, started feeling Braxton Hicks around 5 or 6pm, nothing major, been having them daily since 36wks. Around 9pm started get more frequent and closer together so I started timing them. 17mins apart, still no pain! Decided to lay down, now 10mins apart, jumps up, thinking to myself let me go ahead and shower, decide to wash hair in the process! Just in case this is the REAL DEAL!!! Puts load of clothes in laundry and dryer, gather items for shower, by this time they're 7mins apart and getting intense, not unbearable though, just enough pain to make me freeze for a min. Turn on shower, wait for water to warm and get in. I know I have 7mins to shower and wash hair so I get to it! Lather sponge, wash body, shampoo hair and condition, contraction starts... more intense to the point I have to take deep breaths! Last about 40secs, rinse hair, get out and dry off. Contractions start again, now about 5mins apart so now I know I have 5mins to blow dry hair! It's now about 11:30pm, I decide to call mom to let her know to come because she lives about 1hr20mins from my house! She arrives around 1am and by this time the contractions are so intense and coming more frequently that I can't even time them anymore! Maybe 2-3mins apart! We grab my bags and car seat and head to hospital! Car ride to hospital they're about 1min apart and my back feels like someone is trying to break my spine in half! 😣😩 the pain so unbearable! Pull up to hospital entrance my mom gets a wheelchair and check me in through security, he tells us where to go and I tell my mom to haul ass! It's about 1:35am now. We get to room, nurse ask have my cervix been checked previously I tell her no and if I'm deciding to have epidural... HELL YES! She puts monitor around belly, call doctor and anesthesiologist. Doctor comes in to check me, opens my legs and says omg your bag of water is bulging out, 'sorry hun but there's no time for epidural you're about to have this baby now!' noooooo what?! I can't it hurts to bad! (I did have epidural with my 3 other girls) Everybody in the room is moving so fast, they start to break the bed down, the doctor puts on gown and gloves then says on the next contraction PUSH! Wait what?! Already?! So I push... OMG I yell, I can't it burns so bad! I can't I'm going to pass out it hurts so bad! One of the nurse rolled mirror in front of me so I'd see what was going on down there. I can see the head crowning! By this time I'm
thinking if it hurts this bad, I don't want to know what it feels when the head and body actually comes out!!! PUSH the dr said, I lay there, I can't it hurts, there's so much pressure my body takes over itself and pushes for me! (I know sounds crazy right) lol... ooouuuuccchhhh I yell. Looks down the head is out. PUSH.. I PUSH with all my might and my vagina is on fire πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ I look down and my baby is born.. 1:52am 11/17/16 7lbs10oz 20.5in I got to cut the cord!! My plan was not to have an all natural birth... it was painful! But I PUSHED through it πŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ’ͺ🏽 Sorry so long!!!Β