
Why do some of you have to be so ignorant towards others for their age when they lost their virginity? They may have done it willingly but you also have to take into consideration maybe they went through a rough childhood where they didn't have a choice and now it's just something that that person does? I have seen so many rude comments towards people on here and it's horrible! Women come here for help not judgement. If you have something rude you want to say you should keep that comment to yourself. Life is already a huge roll coaster why make it that more bumpy? 
I'm going to place some advice here for anyone who is be interested:
1) Really get in tune with your body, when you become in tune with your body you will soon be able to tell what is going on just by the way you feel and your mental and emotional feeling.
2) Educate! Learn as much as you possibly can about the female body, can never learn too much. The internet doesn't know everything but it can sure teach you a lot! 
3) Do whatever you think is best for your body when it comes to birth control, every one reacts differently.
4) Talk to others.
5) You are the only person that knows how mature you are, how responsible you, and how capable you are of doing the things you want to do!
You're all beautiful human beings, you are all strong, powerful, relentless and you all matter! 
Since suicide is a huge thing, I want to tell you all this, no matter how hard things get for anyone who has received a hurtful comment/s at any point of their life and sometimes you feel like you don't have anyone, there is someone who will always need you always want you, and always look to you in some way or another! You all have a purpose and I hope you all realize that! 
Much love to all you beautiful women!