Induction or C-section due to GD? Help!

Hi all! FTM. I was diagnosed with GD at 28 weeks. I am 36 weeks on Thursday. My GD is diet controlled- my numbers are within range 90% of the time. No high blood pressure or anything to date. However, my baby is still very large. My husband and I were both large babies so they don't think it's GD related- head measures in the 99th percentile, too. Already estimated 7 pounds at 34 weeks. I am very petite: 5'1 and average BMI. I keep seeing other people with GD say they were induced early. But my doctor says no induction until we hit 41 weeks. However, she said we would talk "delivery route" at 37 weeks, which I'm afraid means C-section, which I would like to avoid. 1) are you being induced for GD? If so, are you diet controlled? Or other complications? 2) has your doctor suggested a C-section for estimated size of baby? Any advice or suggestions are welcome! Thank you!! And safe and happy delivery to all!