Speak it into existence.

Alexis • 11/22/16
I just knew I was going to go past my due date, my son was wayyyyy too comfortable inside. Went for my 39 week check up, wasn't dilated, thinning out, nothing...just big and pregnant and completely over it. I cried after that appointment only because I was exhausted. (Nobody told me pregnancy was this exhausting.) Monday went by, Tuesday followed. Tuesday night I prayed, I ate every comfort food I could think of, I told my self "SELF, eat it all while you can! This will be the last time you eat this Oreo ice cream while pregnant." 
5:14 Wednesday morning, i was in pain, similar to menstraul cramps but stronger. Coming at consistent time intervals. Lasting 45-60 seconds, 4 minutes apart. CONTRACTIONS....is that you???? I've been  sitting here waiting for you!!!!! Went to triage, I was 4 cm dilated and 70% effaced. After an epidural, pitocin, and 20 hours of labor, I saw the sweetest (and angriest) face I've ever seen. He is worth it all! I've never been this happy before in my life!!