Yay!! She's finally here <3


So I have had a very stressful pregnancy due to me being diabetic. History with my other 2 babies being to big 10 lbs at 36 weeks and 37 weeks. Both have had to be in the NICU so with this pregnancy doctors gave been on me like crazy !! Hospitalized 3 times for a week each stay. Anyway the doctor told me that my babies head was measuring smaller than it should be and that they were worried and that her belly was way bigger than it should be. So for those reasons I was hospitalized at 35 weeks got steroid for the babies lungs to mature just in case I went in to labor on my one early.I left at 36 weeks. At 36 and 5 days I go in to my regular appointment and they tell me that they will induce me at 37 weeks I was shocked I thought it was going to be at least 38 weeks so I rush home take care of babysitting and everything else (stressful) and I head to the hospital for induction on Sunday night. They gave me half a pill to soften my cervix at 11 pm and at 2 am I started with cramps. And by 3 I was having contractions 1 minute apart or less so they ended up hot having to give me the other half of the pill or the patocin. At 6am I was only 3.5 cm open but the pain was so bad . With my other babies I had it medication free so I thought I could handle it. I told hubby after they checked me again at 9 and I was STILL at 3.5 cm I don't think I can handle this one I swear this pain feels like the pain I felt when I was ready to push other babies out. And my body could not handle it anymore so I asked for the epidural. 15 minutes later they were in there by 9:30 the needle in my back was in so my nurse checked me and her face was of shock so she left and came back with the doctor. She said I just checked her half and hour ago and she was 3.5 and 15 minutes latter she got the epi .... The doctor looked at me and she said you are completely you are at 10 cm 100 % so what the heck. I got a nother contraction and my water broke. My doctor told me not to push until the whole team was there in case my baby got stuck like my last baby. So I had to wait by this time I'm comfortable no pain just so much pressure. Finally everyone arrived and they said we are gonna practice a few pushes they put my legs up I bear down and start a small push and they say oh my god the head is out!!! Keep that push and with that same breath a pushed a little harder and she was out !!!!! I was soo shocked I barely did a regular push and out she went ! She was perfect <3 no complications. But holly smokes everything happened so fast . I'm so happy <3

7 lbs 3 oz 19.5 inches so little and soooo cute :) have I said I'm in love yet ?? I AM IN LOVE :)