Fast and easy deliveries do exist!

I was 40+2 and went into the dr. and scheduled a just in case induction date for the following week. Then we went to lunch and I started feeling contractions. SO was trying to time them on the way home but they were already too close together. We got the hospital bags and the dog, and turned right back around for the hospital. Luckily we only live 5 minutes away. Dropped the dog off at a friends' on the way while I tried to keep myself together in the car, but I was already feeling irrational. SO dropped me off in front of the hospital entrance and my water broke as I walked up. A nice woman helped me through the front door and then a nurse saw me and grabbed a wheelchair. Next thing I knew I was in triage and SO was trailing in with our bags. I told them I was feeling pressure on my butt already and they wheeled the bed right back to L+D. I was already yelling with each contraction. I spent some time with a birthing bar on the bed and a lot of time clutching the bed rail for support while on my side. Once I was fully dilated it took me a bit to figure out how to push, but once I did it was only a few pushes before he crowned and I wasn't ready! So I waited one contraction and then pushed him the rest of the way out. He was born exactly 3 hours after my water broke in the parking lot. No epidural. Painful but worth it. What an experience!