Anavae Skye is finally here!! 💜

I was induced on my due date, November 18th, 2016. They started Pitocin at 6 a.m. that morning and my water broke as my OB was checking my cervix at 8:30 a.m. Contractions continuously got worse at that point and I since I'm allergic to Hydrocodone, I couldn't take any of the normal pain medicines and they had to call the pharmacy to find out what I could take. I was in a lot of pain and near tears, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. I didn't get pain medicine or an epidural until 5 cm at 10 a.m. They put my legs between the peanut ball and alternated sides until 12:00, when they checked my cervix and it was time to push! I pushed until 2:00 before she finally came out, but then she got stuck!! She was stuck at her shoulders for 3 minutes while three nurses pushed on my stomach and the OB tried to pull her the rest of the way out. My OB prefers not to do episiotomies, but in our case she had to do one. Anavae Skye Samarjian was born at 2:08 p.m. Weighing 7 lbs 13 oz and 20 in long. 
The OB started to deliver my placenta and my epidural was wearing off at this time and I could feel a little more than pressure when she started to stitch my episiotomy. She couldn't get all of my placenta out, so I had to be rushed to the OR because I was hemmorhaging and they couldn't control the bleeding. 
They put my daughter on my chest so I could meet her before I had to leave the room. After that, I remember being in and out of consciousness and finally waking up enough around 5:30 that night to breastfeed my hungry daughter.  
I had a rough delivery, but my daughter is more perfect than I could ever imagine.Â