So I found out I was pregnant and I got super excited well to say the least the last couple weeks have been tough. I started bleeding about 2 weeks ago today and I panicked I was only about 7 weeks pregnant so of course my first thought was miscarriage... well when it started I went to the er and the baby was there heart beat beating (first time I was able to hear it) so I calmed down a bit. I was told to take it easy no sex eat healthy and to call if there where clots or the bleeding got worse at the time all it was was bright red when I wiped that was it well a few days ago I woke up no cramps or anything but went to the bathroom and a clot about the size of my thumb came out I panic and right then started crying ... well I tried to calm myself down and a few minutes later I had to pee again and another clot came out a little bit bigger than the first ... as of right now my insurance was cancelled so I cannot see the doctor till the first of December and from haveing a miscarriage before this one I know going to the hospital won't do me any good my question is what is the chance I'm still pregnant I still have all the symptoms and I have just added two more to my list originally I only had the heart burn the nausea and fatigue and tender test now I have those and frequent urination and I'm not a dreamer I just never remover them but the past few days I've been having dreams weird baby dreams I read somewhere that that could be a symptom... I don't want to get my hopes up but I was reading thee are women who passed clots that size and still had a healthy baby .... if I did misscarry like I think I did three days ago If I take a pregnancy test will it come up positive due to old hcg levels or could it tell me if I'm still pregnant