Horrible nurse

My second son turned 4 months old today. I was induced on July 20th, 4 days after my due date. Here are some things that bothered me. I went in early and when i got there i had to stand and fill out papers. Then i got in my room and my nurse just took my things from me. When they were gonna do the IV i asked for it to be in my left arm because i am right handed and know itd ne hard to do things with an iv in my right arm. The nurse stuck me in my right arm then had to switch to my left. Then the spot she picked for the iv was in a position where i had to have my arm completely straight. That was hard to do so i would bend it slighty without realizing it. My nurse would get an attitude with me because of it. Then when i started to hurt and feel contractions she acted like i shouldnt have been so upset. I was screaming and crying in pain and she literally acted like i was over reacting. Then i finally got my epidural. It was completely different from when i had my first child. I obviously moved some because ontop of the needle in my back i was having contractions so staying still was very hard. I was treated like i should have been fully relaxed. Finally i start to feel less pain but i got the epidural so late i could still feel when i had to push. I could still feel pain in my vagina, ass and back but my legs felt like they had fallen asleep. Once i pushed my son out which took a long time i was done. My son ate a little then i ate. My nurse got an attitude saying i should be feeding my son and not myself. Then i started to hemorrhage but by then the epidural was completely kicked in and i couldnt feel it. My nurse said 'yoi complained about pain while pushing but you couldnt feel that?". This chick was horrible and really pissed me off.