My birth story

On September 4th around 11am i got up started my day.. my friend texted me and asked to facetime so i said sure i gotta clean always which we would both facetime and clean and catch up being she moved to kentucky 3 years ago.

So im cleaning i remember it was about 70 outside that day and i was switching mine and my bd clothes from summer to winter. So i kept walking up and downstairs to the attic where are clothes were. It was really really hot up there so after about a hr of doing that i started to dust everything and than i scrubbed my bath tubs my toilets , did the dishes and finally i did my floors. My house was spotless it felt good! I remember my face being really really red cause i was hot. So i sat on the couch with a water bottle on my neck and drinking some water to i start my show and i had to use the bathroom typical pregnancy problem lol. So i go use the br after i was done i felt something fall out as i was wiping i thought it was discharge like u usually get normally so it ended up on the tp. I look it looked different it was thicker and different colored so (tmi) i took a pic and sent it my mom. I was freaking out i was only JUST 37 weeks. She said yes it looks like it so after she said that i took a shower washed my hair shaved etc now this time its about 4pm. I get my carseat diaperbag and mine and my bd bag by the door just incase i lay back down on the couch watch my show my boyfriend gets homee around 6ish i started to have cramping. So he asked me if i wanted to go get the kids school supplies being they start school the 8th. So i said yes so we go to the store its arouns 830ish still having the what i thought was braxton hicks. We get all the supplies get home i write there names on the stuff put it in the bookbags.

Made something to eat. And watched a movie its now around 10. I go upstairs to lay in bed with my bd being hes gotta be up for work at back was killing me after talking to him for a half hr i had go use the bathroom So i get up to use it i felt a gush as soon as i sat down i thought oh ok i peed before i could even push it out. I get back in bed tell my bd the pain is getting worse but im gonna lay down which he told me to cause hes ab to fall alseep being hes been up for like 18 hrs.. so he gets up to use the br i follow him in and i feel a gush ... yup my water broke so i tell him he calls the dr he never called me bck which its a good thing i didn't wait for him.

We get to the hosp around 11 they checked me I was 2cm water deff broke she said.

Contractions were getting stronger and stronger and stronger about 2 hrs go by they check me im only 4cm. They said once i get to 5 i can have the epidural. By 230 i had my epidural im thinking ya im gonna nap by that time itll be say 8 am ill be ready to push.. boy was i wrong! 10 mins afteer getting my epidural i was 10 cm ready to push. The dr was on the compt checking his heart rate being it kept dropping snd we kept loosing it

I told her i felt like i had to poop so she runs over and looks they can see it opening or his head i guess ..They made me hold the baby inside of me cause there wasnt a dr. So they had to call one.. im holding him in as much as i can his heart rate kept dropping at one point it got down to 50s. So the dr finally came so i can push. After 5 hrs or labor 4 pushes pushing for 10 mins my son was born nd i had my beautiful baby weighing 5 lb 2 oz 19in at 330 am on 9/5/16.

If ur still reading this i know its long but thank u for still being interested ♡

Heres 3 pics

1. When he was 1st born

2. Coming home

3. Now