Birth story


A little late but here we go...

I went into labour at about 5am on the 1st of november. ( after 3 false labours in the week before) had my bloody show and contractions were about 5 mins apart and extremely painful! Called the hospital and they said to come up off my yoga ball and instantly my contractions were coming at every 30 secconds to 1 minute appart! Got to the hospital at 7am and was 4cm.. got my epidural at 10:30 and was 8cm at about 12pm and they broke my waters.. got to 10cm and my epidural wore off and broke! All whilst this was happening i developed preclampsia.. pain got bad at this point whilst they were trying to fix the epidural so they got me to start some pushing..

When this happened i injured my neck and was in extreme pain and could not move! Suddenly there was 11 people in the room and they said they needed to get bubs out because i was in such a bad state (he was fine!) Because i could not move at all they had to use forceps and pull him out! They gave me an episiotomy and i got a 3rd degree tear! Ouch!

Luke joshua was born at 4:32 pm and was 7pounds 3 ounces and 49.5cm long.. happy and healthy!

They gave me skin to skin time whilst they spent over an hour stirching me up!

I also lost a lot of blood and ended up having to have a blood transfusion and iron transfusion!

Went home 2 days later and ended up back in for a night the next night because he lost over 10% of his weight and was jaundice.. they supplimented with formula along with my expressed and i was breast feeding too.

Luke is now 3 weeks old tomorrow and he weighs 8.2 pounds and is no longer jaundice!

I on the other hand have gone from not having enough iron to my body not being able to get rid of it! Im waiting on results for hemacrematosis which is a genetic dissorder for too much iron in your body..

Fingers crossed the results come back negative!

Sorry its so long!