Excruciating Pain

EricaLynn • 21. Libra. Expecting Bodhi Scott 1.1.17.
For some odd reason, all day today I've had this AWFUL pain in my right side. The intensity comes & goes. When it comes though, I have literally let out little whines because it hurts so badly. It feels like my side is being ripped, pulled, torn & lit on fire all at the same time. It REALLY doesn't help when my son is pushing on it too, it makes it soooo much worse.
The pain is so great but I just am not sure a trip to the hospital is going to show anything. 
I'm 34 weeks & have been showing signs that labor will start soon, (I.e. Nausea, belly drop, feet swelling, etc.) 
I just don't know if this is my last homestretch of Round Ligament pain or if it's a more serious note, like a rupture.